Card and Other Tricks
The Mystery of the "Q"
Memorize the fifth card from the top of the pack. Fan some cards out (20 - 30) to form the letter Q. The tail of the Q should have the same number of cards as the memorized card from the top (i.e. five). When forming the Q start the circle of the Q in an anti-clockwise direction and then add the tail of the Q, so that where the Q joins the circle your memorized card is the fifth card in an anti-clockwise direction. Ask a person to select any number between 6 and 18 and to count that number of cards commencing at the bottom of the tail and going round the circle in a clockwise direction, stopping at the number selected. Ask the person then to count back round the Q in an anti-clockwise direction by the same number, but this time missing out the tail of the Q and look at the card landed on without showing you (this should be your memorized card). The person may now gather up all the cards and shuffle the pack out of which you will select his card. It adds to the mystery if you have a pack of the same design and remove the same card as the memorized card and place it in a sealed envelope which is produced to reveal the selected card. |